What research methods did you use or consider using? Which ones were most useful?
Site Tape, Collecting Samples
Sketching, Model Making
Garden Club, Co-design + Generation
Engagement Activities, Resident + Staff Conceptions of Home
Trauma-Informed Design Site Mapping
Journaling, Counseling, Parts Mapping
Analog + Digital Collage + Drawing
Talking Circles
I’ve played with a lot of different tools.
Participatory Design (Participatory design is a collaborative approach to design that actively involves users and stakeholders in the design process. It aims to create products and services that better meet the needs and expectations of users by levering and applying their knowledge and experiences. It’s a democratic process because it empathizes that users should take part in designing the products and services they will be using.)(https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/topics/participatory-design#:~:text=Participatory%20design%20is%20a%20collaborative,applying%20their%20knowledge%20and%20experiences.)
Garden club
Talking circles
Group activities, design charettes, engagement activities
Design + Mapping activities
Ethnography (Ethnography is a research method central to knowing the world from the standpoint of its social relations. Ethnography involves hands-on, on-the-scene learning — and it is relevant wherever people are relevant.)(https://anthropology.princeton.edu/undergraduate/what-ethnography#:~:text=Ethnography%20is%20a%20research%20method,that%20may%20be)%20and%20abroad.)
Group conversations + interviews
Individual conversations + interviews
Research Through Design (RTD) (refers to a research method in which spatial design plays the leading role. The underlying premise is that design is a form of research and involves a culture of thought.) (Nijhuis and Vries, 2020).
Sound recordings
CAD modeling
Analog/digital collage
Literature Review