What are your design goals and objectives given the site and circumstances?
Using the Trauma-informed Design Framework developed by Shopworks Architecture, Group 14 Engineering, & University of Denver Center for Housing and Homelessness Research, I’ve outlined the various design interventions at Everyone Village to address the need for choice, comfort, and community.
I have also outlined the design goals and objectives for transitional housing. This is an important context for the design interventions and come with their own design goals and objectives.
Trauma-Informed Design
Comfort, Community, Choice (Design strategies that take into consideration the holistic impact on residents)
On-site Food Production
Stormwater Management
Temperature Control, protected from the elements
Talk about Jeanette coming out of homelessness and the pallet shelter was great but…not enough to meet all needs
Community Gathering Spaces
Education & Employment Opportunities
Income Generation
Habitat for Animals
Modular & Flexible Spaces
Customization & Personalization Opportunities
Regular Feedback
Ensure that infrastructure/services/experiences on site serve the needs of people who have experienced trauma (either on the street or other ACEs)
Limit the chances of falling into a trauma state
Avoiding triggering spaces
Getting rid of spaces/experiences that breed conflict, fear, and isolation
Create opportunities for healing and stability
Spaces/Experiences that generate feelings of joy, connection, empowerment, peace of mind, hope, and safety
Transitional Housing
Low-cost (“Cost-Effective” is that better? Limited resources, high needs), Adaptability (Diversity of residents, Diversity of needs & desires, Diversity of lived experiences/trauma), Multifunctional
Find low-cost alternatives to help the village grow
Upcycling/Found Materials, Second hand & reused materials
Donations, Utilizing donations
Ensure that infrastructure/services/experiences on site serve the needs of people coming out of houselessness
Portability (5-year lease on private land, site is growing, changing constantly)
With the limited space/resources, optimize efforts/energy/connections to serve as many needs as possible
Raised bed for growing food, temperature control, beautification, etc.
Solar panels for the pallets shelters, energy, temperature control, long-term resilience
Painted asphalt for personalization/placemaking, temperature control, etc.